Practitioners Links (Therapists)

Looking for a Lomi Lomi treatment abroad I can highly recommend theese Skillfulled Practitioner Friends of mine:

Ska du utomlands och vill prova en Lomi Lomi behandling kan jag varmt rekommendera dessa duktiga Lomi Practitioner vänner:


Ireland an N. Ireland/Irland och Nordirland/Irlanda e Irlanda al Norte:

Zenbu Massage & Yoga Belfast (NI)

Massage & Beauty by Gail Helferty Derry (NI)

Beara Massage Therapy Castletownbere

Shoreside Massage & Beauty Shoreside

Lomi Theraphy Kinsdale



The Aloha Way Kassel


Netherlands/Nederländerna/Países Bajos:

Zenergya, Massages Maarssen








For any changes in your information above, Please contact me @



Learning Lomi Lomi

If you want to learn Lomi Lomi here in Europe I highly recommend my Kumu Louise Kleu McEvoy and her School of Hawaiian Healing Arts @ The Aloha House in Ireland. Louise is an exquisite Teacher and a warm person that helps you make your own progress and believe in your self.

The amazing Kumu Susan Pa 'Iniu Floyd Is also teaching both Lomi Lomi and Hula in Europe on a regular basis and with her you can take up to KINO Mana IV in Europe

Find an Event with Aloha International

.Vill du lära dig Lomi Lomi i europa kan jag varmt rekommendera Louise Kleu McEvoy och hennes School of Hawaiian Healing Arts i Irland. Louise är en underbar lärare och en varm person som hjälper dig att själv utvecklas och tro på dig.

Även Kumu Susan Pa 'Iniu Floyd kommer regelbundet till europa och håller kurser både i Lomi Lomi och Hula dans.

 Hitta ditt even med Aloha International

Si Usted quiere aprender el Lomi Lomi le recomiendo Louise Kleu McEvoy en la School of Hawaiian Healing Arts en Irlanda. Louise es una maestra exquisita y una persona muy cariñosa que le hace progresar, crecer y creer en si mismo.

Kumu Susan Pa 'Iniu Floyd es otra Kumu muy exquisita que viene a Europa en basis regular para dar clases de Lomi Lomi y danza Hula. Ella ofrece clase Lomi Lomi de nivel KINO Mana I-IV en Europa.

Encuentra su evento con Aloha International

Welcome to an unforgettable experience- The genuine Hawaiian Way

Please look arund the page to learn more about Lomi Lomi Sweden and the hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage- If you still have questions feel free to contact me. Mahalo Nui

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